On the way to church this morning we passed What's Her Name in the field and I said, gee I hope that this doesn't end up being her name. Judi was pretty sure it wouldn't be but I don't know????? Maybe "Wiggly Butt" or "Jiggles".
Come on people we need some help here! I guess I'll just have to pick one....
oh - a NAME the baby contest! Woot! K, will get my thinker in high speed for something she can 'grow' into... but you'll probably tag her with something nice before I actually come up with something suitable. The closest experience I've got to naming is our VW van, does that count?
Poor girl, that would be driving me crazy trying to find the perfect name. Well I'll keep thinking on it!! Savanna suggests Daisy, or butterfly or Anya or Asha(those two are from me) Good luck guys!
ed@Thank you for all the suggestions - we will consider all these great name possibilities and let you all know (I know you can't bear the excitment) ASAP.
After many years of prayer and seeking God’s direction, Eagles Nest Ministries has been able to return to its original vision.
Although we have been busy in ministry activities, our heart has always been to establish a “Ranch” where we could minister to people, especially those in ministry.
In March of 2005, we purchased a 160 acre working cattle ranch in Osoyoos, British Columbia. Our son Casey and his family have moved with us and live in one of the two houses on the property. We together co-pastor “The Gathering Place” church in Osoyoos, as well as the recently opened “Cowboy Church” in Rock Creek.
Our ranch “Son Rise Acres” is located just off of Highway 3, midway between these churches.
Since last year, we have been kept very busy with both churches. We have completed a considerable amount of renovations. Along with the regular fencing for the cattle, we also built a 65 foot round pen, a fully enclosed breaking pen and a 80 x 110 riding arena.
With the help of a few neighbors built a small Chapel. It seats 300 (12 at a time). It is has a stain glass window and a steeple featuring a bell.
We are now ready to begin our second phase - building several cabins and a common washhouse. The purpose for these would be two-fold; providing accommodations for students we bring in for summer ministry training; and to provide accommodations for pastors and their spouses who need a time of renewal.
It is amazing how therapeutic it is to get on a horse and ride for an hour or watch a sunset as you sit by the campfire. It is in those times you can reflect on the goodness of God and His ability to help you live as you were created to live.
oh - a NAME the baby contest! Woot! K, will get my thinker in high speed for something she can 'grow' into... but you'll probably tag her with something nice before I actually come up with something suitable. The closest experience I've got to naming is our VW van, does that count?
As my dad use to say, "You go girl". I was always pleased to hear him say that to my brother rather than me. ;)
Poor girl, that would be driving me crazy trying to find the perfect name. Well I'll keep thinking on it!! Savanna suggests Daisy, or butterfly or Anya or Asha(those two are from me) Good luck guys!
Good Morning to All!
I have given some thought to naming your little one. I came up with Morning Glory and Lady Grand. I also like Autumn Breeze.
Good Luck!
ed@Thank you for all the suggestions - we will consider all these great name possibilities and let you all know (I know you can't bear the excitment) ASAP.
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