Yesterday we moved our small herd out of the pastures to our holding pens. We then began sorting and loading the cattle in preparation to be transported to the Harfman ranch. Due to us using our four horse trailer several trips were neccessary. On our second to last load after sqeezing in as many head as we could we were forced to keep four yearlings back. I left the trailer and chute area to double check the holding pen gate (my first mistake). Thereby I had inadvertently neglected to secure the trailer door. Everything seemed ok, so we confidently headed out with three cows and four steer calves in the trailer. Well, that was what we thought.
Once out on Sidley Mountain Road I checked the rear view and gasped as I saw cows and calves doing arobics, summersaults, headstands, tumbling one over the other on to the gravel road. They spilled out of the trailer when the sliding door - slide open. Talk about your mad cow! Thankfully we had taken the back road at 5-10 kph rather than the Highway at 100. Besides a few scrapes and bruises everyone survived. If it wasn't so stupid it would be funny!
hahah - I visualized it - it was like Cirque de soleil de cow! Funny! Poor things! Road rash as their final goodbye!
It was kinda funny.... but it was sure difficult getting them back into the trailer....
It was perhaps God's way of making it easier to part with the cows. They sure weren't too well loved during the second loading. It is a good thing the rifle was in the house. (just kidding;))
Ok as scary as your story could have turned out I couldn't help but laugh out loud as I was reading it! I so wish I had been there....there is never a dull moment when you have cows around!
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