Our new filly was named "Rummy" to go with "Cola" her mom's name. Casey figured it was better than what the boys were going to suggest.... Truck, Spoon, Ceral, Toliet Paper.... basically anything that came to their little minds.
We are still waiting for Liberty to have her foal??????
So cute - gotta come up there & photo him. Hmmm, Toilet Paper would have been an interesting name for a white & brown horse. *shudder*
Missed you guys last Sunday. I hope all is well at your den?
Judi is hoping to get in touch with you.... something about a road trip?
Say hi to L for me.
what a SWEET lil baby!!! It must be so special to see these precious lives come into being. Nothing is so cute as a foal learning to walk and run - makes you want to skip around too.
It was nice to meet up w/ Judi at the Anarchist Mt. yardsale - and see how Mercedes is growing.
Missing you folks but enjoying our family.
Barb and Smiles
Thanks - all is well & busy with people coming & going. We missed you guys too. Got ready for church but 'the missus' (that would be me) was in a bad mood & decided to keep her foul self at home. Think we are sneaking away for this weekend too but not sure yet. Another road trip may be in the works.
Hey mrs.miles, if'n your going to dance with the foal let me know and I'll get some pics of you and miles. Missed you guys last week too, but glad to hear you are enjoying family.
C U soon I hope
Becky, you know of course that when you are in a foul mood church is the best place to be.
You know when I think of you or your good friend Barb, I realy can't picture either one of you in a "foul" mood. But I guess we are all prone to have one of "those days".
Be blessed...
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