"Dominee" (Dutch for Preacher) is checking out the new guy. I love the way horses interact with each other. It is so thereputic watching them do their "horseing around".
Sunday, May 20, 2007
A New Arrival
Nothing is quite as impressive as a Dun under saddle. The cowboy's dream. "Koda" my new gelding is standing quite for a photo op. This was his first day at our ranch. He is very friendly and talked to me the whole time I was working the other horses.
We have been in contact with the SPCA and are hopefully going to provide a safe place for some of their horses. Judi and I are
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
The Escape Artist

Ok.... so I wake up this morning to find Bud (my 26 year old gelding) in the hay barn. This in itself is not too unusual.... however, he had been locked up in a paddock with Jethro (Judi's Norwegian). The gates were all locked, the 5 strands of High Tense wire 5 feet in height were all securely in place... so I don't get it.
But then again when Bud was younger he'd get out of anything and everything. It got to a place where I would just yell at him out the window, and he'd hang his head (in shame) and walk back to his 10 x 10 stall. He's opened electric fense gates placing his his mouth on the plastic insulator handle.
Folks who consider horses anything but intelligent, obviously have never met Bud. ;)
A Good Word
I heard a comment today that sat well with me.....
It was said by an old cowboy, "I am bone tired but this country fills me up!"
That just about sums it up for me. There is something that wells up in you at the close of a day of working the horses, or fixing fences, in fact even after mucking out the stalls or picking rocks... it is a feeling perhaps of satisfaction, yet its deeper than that. You look across the evening sky and as the sun sets you sigh a deep sigh and even thougfh you are bone weary tired... all is well! This thing called ranching fills me up!
It was said by an old cowboy, "I am bone tired but this country fills me up!"
That just about sums it up for me. There is something that wells up in you at the close of a day of working the horses, or fixing fences, in fact even after mucking out the stalls or picking rocks... it is a feeling perhaps of satisfaction, yet its deeper than that. You look across the evening sky and as the sun sets you sigh a deep sigh and even thougfh you are bone weary tired... all is well! This thing called ranching fills me up!
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
A New Day... A NEW HORSE?

I know..... but he's a beauty. I can of course justify my purchase. It's a disease "Horsealism". No actually a friend of mine has this awesome guy for sale and I think it would be good for me to help her out. Besides, my old gelding is retiring this year and the replacement I bought last year is actually sold (no cash yet) to another friend of mine. Sunny and I did not click.
Most of you know what I mean. So perhaps Koda and I will chase some cows together. I have always liked Buckskins.
I have a project horse I'm working with... Jazz - boy did I name her right! She has got the jazz alright! I had her all tacked up and ran her in the breaking pen a bit. Boy can she buck! I could have walked under her with a wheelbarrow, she had that much air between her and the ground. Thank God for "Crash Test Dummies" No it wasn't the neighbors or the inlaws, tires my friend. Tires and jugs filled with noisey scare me to death gravel bits.
I'll try to get a few pics of her doing her "I can't get you off of my back" song and dance.
I'll keep you posted on the new guy. Have a great week! May all your landings be soft ones.... especially at our age.
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