Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Galloping Away By Mercedez Meier (10)

I believe I was born to ride. More specifically, horses are what I am talking about. I had my first horseback riding experience when I was just one year old. Unforgettably, It was on this older chocolate brown quarter horse named Bud, who loved to sip iced tea and eat black licorice. Undoubtedly, more often then not my mom would find me in my my favorite outfit, my cowgirl boots and my jean overalls, riding around on my plush, princess pony. I find horses so intriguing, exciting and majestic. Above all other animals they are definitely my favorite.

One would have to think I was born destined to be a horse fanatic as my favorite adult in the whole world is my Opa. Opa Brouwer owns a 160-acre ranch and for me it is almost a magical place. Filled with barns, hay, pastures and of course horses it has become like a second home to me. Opa and Oma own many horses and each one has their own distinct personally, my absolute favorite one was Bud. He was such a character. Unfortunately, last year Bud got cancer and was extremely old, for a horse, and he passed away. No doubt about it, it was because of the help of my Opa and that old stinker named Bud that I was able to begin ridding unassisted by the age of five. Of course by unassisted I mean, riding Bud while Bud just instinctively followed my Opa around and around the horse arena. Bud sure loved my Opa.

I know that as you grow up dreams come and go but the one for me that has held firm is my desire to run a horse ranch when I am old enough. I want to grow up to be just like my Opa. He is not only a fabulous rancher but he is also an amazing person. I hope to be able to learn and acquire more knowledge about horses and ranching so I can run the best possible ranch that I can. Right now my Opa has a horse named Sierra and he said when I am ready to start my own ranch he is going to give her to me! I am not old enough to bring this dream into reality yet but for now I will have to be satisfied with having my bedroom smothered in horse décor.